For security reasons, all deals should be conducted using a middleman or escrow service. If a deal is completed without a middleman or escrow service and you get scammed, it's at your own risk.
[B], [I], [U], [S] - Bold, italics, underline, and strike-through
Makes the wrapped text bold, italic, underlined, or struck-through.
This is [B]bold[/B] text.
This is [I]italic[/I] text.
This is [U]underlined[/U] text.
This is [S]struck-through[/S] text.
This is bold text.
This is italic text.
This is underlined text.
This is struck-through text.
[COLOR=color], [FONT=name], [SIZE=size] - Text Color, Font, and Size
Changes the color, font, or size of the wrapped text.
This is [COLOR=red]red[/COLOR] and [COLOR=#0000cc]blue[/COLOR] text.
This is [FONT=Courier New]Courier New[/FONT] text.
This is [SIZE=1]small[/SIZE] and [SIZE=7]big[/SIZE] text.
This is red and blue text.
This is Courier New text.
This is small and big text.
[URL], [EMAIL] - Linking
Creates a link using the wrapped text as the target.
Marks text as a structured heading to facilitate machine readability.
[HEADING=1]Major heading[/HEADING]
This text comes under a major heading, used to separate the primary sections of an article.
[HEADING=2]Minor heading[/HEADING]
When you need to subdivide the primary sections of an article, use a level 2 minor heading.
If you require additional subdivision, you may drop to level 3.
Major heading
This text comes under a major heading, used to separate the primary sections of an article.
Minor heading
When you need to subdivide the primary sections of an article, use a level 2 minor heading.
If you require additional subdivision, you may drop to level 3.
[PLAIN] - Plain text
Disables BB code translation on the wrapped text.
[PLAIN]This is not [B]bold[/B] text.[/PLAIN]
This is not [B]bold[/B] text.
[ATTACH] - Attachment insertion
Inserts an attachment at the specified point. If the attachment is an image, a thumbnail or full size version will be inserted. This will generally be inserted by clicking the appropriate button.
Thumbnail: [ATTACH]123[/ATTACH]
Full size: [ATTACH=full]123[/ATTACH]
The contents of the attachments would appear here.
- Charge
Charging users to view your content.
[CHARGE=5]It costs 5 credits to see this text.[/CHARGE]